Monday, 14 December 2015

This is the real reason why a huge percentage of marriages & relationships break up (and How To Fix It)…

This is a sponsored post. Read below...
I’m here to share The Truth – and to help men & women become Better Lovers. I’m not here to sugar-coat or please people and write some nonsense like all those other Fake ‘sex and relationship experts.’ So listen. 
My name is Brian Ike. The owner of the website the only website in Nigeria that teaches men how to satisfy their women in bed. And the author of How to Give Any Woman an Earth Shattering Orgasm.

And my article has featured twice on this blog too and


It is a fact that marriages and relationships are crashing every single day and night. It is no longer funny!

You see couples who are planning on getting married or newly wedded and they look so happy and lovely that you wish you were in their shoes…

The traditional and white wedding was splendid. It was just the perfect union!

2-3 years after that beautiful wedding, for some people it could be less than 6 months down the line, things are not going as smooth and exciting as they had anticipated.

The once loving partner is no longer the person you think she is…
She all of a sudden starts giving you a very hard time at home…
She complains about every single thing. She nags the hell out of your life and you can't sleep at night because you keep wondering what happened to your once lovely woman.

Sooner or later, it happens to many guys…

The pretty, sexy, happy, eager-to-do-anything woman becomes a MONSTER.
Arguments happen frequently and over little things you didn’t think was important.

She complains when you go out to watch soccer.
She complains when you forget to flush the toilet after pissing.
She complains that you don’t pay attention to her.
She even complains when you snore as you sleep!

And you know deep down that you’ve not done anything to deserve the nagging.

And sex?
Forget it!
There is no sex.
She’s NEVER ‘in the mood.’

You ask for it and she gives u a million-and-one excuses. It just happens twice a year on your birthday and Valentine’s Day. And when it happens, she just lays there while you do the whole work, in SILENCE.

It's just BORING.

Years ago, she was slim, sexy and you had sex at least 3 times a week, every week. Sometimes, you even made love two or three times a night.

Now, she’s a total stranger. It's either she’s shouting at you or you’re angry with her over one small issue or another.

Oh, and let’s not forget…
She’s now 2 times as fatter than when you met her, never wears sexy panties anymore. And watching porn & masturbating has actually become your SEX-LIFE. It’s just feels normal.

You have thought seriously about a divorce but you can't because you can't face your family, her family, the church and especially your friends.

Your life is in a MESS!

Or, let’s say you’re a woman and you’re not sure if your husband cheats on you or not. But you just suspect his movements…
He’s not as attentive as he used to be.

He keeps late nights all of a sudden and he picks unnecessary fights always. You know that something is definitely wrong but you can't tell what it is. You guys live like roommates in a hostel.

He doesn’t even touch you at night again. Even if he does, you won't feel anything. You don’t look forward to sex again. You even fake enjoying it so that he will be quick and let you sleep…

I mean, your life is miserable and you can't do anything about it

I don’t know if this is your case…
But I’ve counselled a lot of men and women in such situation and WORSE.


I really don’t care what anyone else thinks – I know that there are people reading this article now who have this problem. I know because I've counselled a lot of people who has such problems…

Like I said…
I’ve always been known for the truth. And I share it with people who have the BALLS to accept it (and do something about it). So here it is…
It’s All Your Fault My Friend…
So, you think she or he just became a MONSTER by chance.
So, if she/he didn’t change by chance – what happened?
Well, here’s the pattern that I see over and over, and over again when I coach people in this position…
You stopped making an effort. You stopped complimenting her, stopped surprising her, stopped being romantic.
He also stopped trying in bed – and just resorted to thrusting in & out only with little regard for HER PLEASURE
He stopped saying “Thank You” and started making her feel TAKEN FOR GRANTED
Believe it or not…
That’s it!
That’s all it takes to turn a previously sweet, sexy, sexual woman – into a MONSTER.
It’s a simple process:
1.     Take her for granted
2.     Stop complimenting him/her
3.     Never take her out
4.     Give him/her lame sex
Repeat for a few weeks, months or years – and sooner or later it’ll happen…
The person will change.
She/he will become a MONSTER. Not overnight, but slowly, over time. And she’ll rarely be able to tell you what’s happened.
But I’ve told you. So now you know how to change it and turn it all around, right?
To be clear…
How To Turn Your Man/Woman Into The Sweet, Sexy, Sexual Woman You First Met – and Kill The Monster That’s Grown Inside Him/Her…
First off, accept that you CHANGED the person. It was your FAULT!
I did it too – in my first long-term relationship. So you’re not alone.
For the record – I ruined that relationship. But only because I didn’t know how to undo the damage I’d done.
Here’s the plan that’ll get him/her to be NICE again, and want SEX:
1.     Pay her compliments. Make them genuine
2.     Show her you don’t take her for granted and that you do value having her in your life
3.     Re-introduced ‘hand holding,’ hugging, kissing and giving head massages while watching movies (all the stuff you did when you first met)
4.     Take her out for a date once or twice a week.
5.     Get my eBooks now!
Do all that and sooner or later she’ll want SEX. Guaranteed. For certain.
Then it’s up to you to step up, and make the sex REALLY GOOD. Because it’s only really good sex, dirty talk and multiple orgasms every time just the way I explained in my books that will do the change.
You can choose to be like the readers whose chat I showed you above or you can be like these ones who got the eBooks and changed their lives and saved their marriages and relationships FOREVER…

To get these life transforming eBooks, please contact my sales manager Kenny on 08032133222 or send a WhatsApp message to 09050047973. Or visit
The eBooks are How to Give Any Woman an Earth Shattering Orgasm and
How to Keep You’re a Man Faithful & Satisfied In and Out of the Bedroom

For buying one or the two eBooks, you also get 2 FREE BONUS ebooks too:
Tongues of Fire…a perfect guide on how to handle oral sex and
101 Ways to Complement a Girl That Will get Her Sexually on FIre

When you purchase this eBook, and follow my SIMPLE steps, here is what to expect after 1 WEEK:
·        You will learn how to make a woman HOT and WET in bed in less than 10 minutes GURANTEED.
·        I’ll show you SURE-FIRE natural ways of gaining & maintaining a FULL LONG LASTING erection.
·        You will learn how to add an EXTRA 15-20 minutes of time to your sex duration (following the methods I mentioned in pgs 61-64)
·        You will get your woman to respect you as a man in & out of the bedroom.
·        You also get her to be addicted to you and faithful to the end by giving her EXPLOSIVE ORGASMS.
·        As a woman, you learn how to spice up your bedroom action and avoid a relationship break up because of the so-called small ‘domestic problems.’
·        I will show you how to keep your man FAITHFUL and FOREVER yours.
To get these life transforming eBooks, please contact my sales manager Kenny on 08032133222 or send a WhatsApp message to 09050047973 NOW. Or visit
NOTE: this product is not meant for everybody.
It will not be sold to people who are under the age of 18.
And the first 20 people who contact me will be get a N1000 price discount and a 1 week FREE coaching from me. The price will automatically go back to the original price after the first 20 people contacts me.

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