Monday 13 October 2014

KCB (25 Ways To Put A Smile On A Girl’s Face)

Just a simple smile on her face with that little thing you do, can help her through her very expensive day. Running out of things to do, let us help you out.
1.               Take pictures with her or send her one of your’s smiling.
2.                Make her laugh, just try even if you think your jokes or comments are dry.
3.               Recognise the small things she does, they usually mean the most.
4.                Hang out with her on weekends.
5.               Remember her birthday. Even if nothing too big, as long as it’s from you it would mean  the world to her.

6.                Listen to music with her.
7.                Leave her cute messages before she wakes up.
8.                Look into her eyes and smile.
9.                Kiss her in public, she’ll like it under the rain.
10.          If she gives you a gift, tell her you love it even if you hate the gift and it’s manufacturer.
11.          Always call her when you say you will. Ladies love men who keep to their words. Even if its just for 30seconds, call.
12.          Tell her you love her always and show it.
13.       Spread roses on the bed before some romantic time
14.        Pick her up. (She may not tell you but she loves it).
15.          Make her fall asleep in your arms.
16.          Kiss her when she gets mad at you.
17.          Treat her the same around your friends as you do when two of you are alone.
18.          Give her a t-shirt, a sweatshirt or a stuffed animal.
19.          Offer to settle a few bills of hers.
20.          When people dissher, stand up for her.
21.          Hug her from behind.
22.          Tickle and wrestle with her playfully.
23.          Write her notes or just call to say hi.
24.          Introduce her to your friends as your girlfriend. 
25.          Tell her she’s beautiful

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